Do You Need Lifelong Faith Formation? The answer is YES!

04-30-2023Pastor's LetterNanci Lukasik-Smith, Director of Catechesis

Last Sunday during the homily, Fr. David, invited the congregation to join him at the Becoming Catholic sessions, which he holds on Sunday afternoons. His summons included the opportunity for all to join him in asking questions about faith and, I am sure, through the answers, one would understand this was an inspiration from the Holy Spirit to live out our individual call to Universal Holiness by the Divine. The question one might be wondering is,

“What has this to do with me?” “I have received all my sacraments.” “I attend Mass regularly, why do I need extra formation?”


Parish Life

03-17-2023Pastor's LetterFr. David M. Ostler

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

When our Parish of Prince of Peace was founded on May 1, 2021, our church had 855 registered families and a lot of ministries needed to start anew. There was no Catechetical Program, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, Pro-Life Ministry, Catering Team, or choir, and we had only a small Women’s Guild. In the two years since our founding, our Eucharistic Community now has: